Local Content

Local Content


The Local Content and Government Procurement Authority aims to develop local content in all its components at the level of the national economy, upgrade and follow up on government procurement work to achieve development and financial goals according to national visions, strategies and plans, and to increase the contribution of local content at the level of the national economy.
As we provide a local content scoring reporting service, we have been accredited to provide this service by the Local Content and Government Procurement Authority in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which consists of :
– Audit the degree of local content at the level of the establishment.
– Local content audit at the contract level.
– Audit the local content score at the contract level for large contracts over 400 million riyals.
– Preparing a local content plan at the facility level.
– Prepare a local content plan at the contract level.
– Preparing a local content plan at the contract level for large contracts exceeding 400 million riyals.